The Atlantic Lottery Corporation was founded in 1976 in Moncton, New Brunswick. A total of four provincial governments, including Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, have become co-owners of this organization, with all the profits and revenues shared among the member provinces. Despite representing a relatively small portion of the Canadian population, the ALC have been innovators in the gaming landscape...
...Including Canada’s first video lottery terminals and North America’s first online lottery system. Along with other provincial lottery and gaming organizations, the ALC joins in national lotteries through the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation. One of the more successful lottery organizations in Canada, the ALC has been named as one of the best employers in the nation, creating billions in profits for member provinces. Of course, part of the success of the ALC revolves around the fact that the games they offer tend not to be as profitable as playing with private gambling services, especially when betting on sports.
Atlantic Lottery Online Betting Alternatives
While the Atlantic Lottery Corporation does offer some sports wagering and other gambling games, there are a wide variety of betting alternatives that provide superb service without restrictions that are mandated by Canadian legal quirks. These sportsbook sites have been proven as popular and reputable sources of sports wagering entertainment, giving players better, more reasonable odds and a shot at wagering on a better portfolio of events.
Atlantic Lottery Corporation Review
The Atlantic Lottery Corporation oversees all forms of gambling and gaming within the four provinces it serves. This includes betting on sports and wagering on horse races, which are popular pursuits in the area. Since the mandate of the ALC revolves around creating profit for governments, players end up having to deal with long odds and a restricted set of gambling activities skewed greatly towards the house winning.
Atlantic Lottery Games And Products: Atlantic 49, Keno Atlantic and Atlantic Payday are among the provincial lotteries offered by the ALC, along with the national Lotto Max and Lotto 649 games that all provinces facilitate through approved retailers and gambling locations. In addition to sports betting through Pro-Line, over under and spreads, the ALC operates a casino and racetrack in PEI. Another popular type of betting product they sell are scratch tickets and iBingo games.
Atlantic Lottery Odds: Since the ALC has to abide by their mandate, as well as federal laws, the odds that players receive for sports betting tend to be supressed when compared to the lines offered by regular sportsbooks. Of course, most people know that hitting the big jackpot in national and provincial lotteries is extremely unlikely, although some lotteries and games have a decent number of smaller prizes and ways to win.
Pro-Line Sports Betting: Since the ALC has to abide by Canadian lottery laws that prevent wagering on single sports events, people on the Atlantic coast are forced to prognosticate multiple games in order to win their ticket. Wagering correctly on a single game tends to be difficult, never mind consistently picking a minimum of three results before being allowed to collect your win. Over/unders, spread betting and pools are also available, although many popular international sports leagues aren’t included as part of their service. Due to reduced odds and a reduced set of sports wagering opportunities, it’s usually easier to win through reputable sportsbooks.